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#Q1:What are the PS2 specs compared to the N-Cube's specs?

Answer:Click HERE to see the full specs

#Q2:how easy are the developement kist for both?

Answer:The ps2's kit has been claimed "a horible mess" by one of the 2nd parties and the N-Cube .. here is a quote: "the gamecube is a dream to work for"by one of the 2nd parties

#Q3 how much will both cost?

Answer:The PS2 will cost approx (AU) and the N-Cube will cost approx (AU)

#Q4 The sony's controller doesnt seem to be different but the Nintendo's is very different.What is so special about the N-Cubes controller?

Answer: The ncube controller has 12 buttons approx 8 of them are anologue (it measures how hard you apply pressure) and 2 anologue controll sticks, it also has a built-in rumble feature and the whole controller is apprex 1/2 the size of the N64's controller.